Against the backdrop of global economic uncertainty, PRECISE has emerged financially strong amid the volatility. Our most recent accolade of being awarded the prestigious Fastest Growing 50 SMEs (FG50) in 2011 is a testament to our financial resilience.
Compiled by DP Information Group (DP Info), Singapore’s leading provider of business and credit information with over 30 years of experience, landing the FG50 list is no easy feat. To qualify, a company must achieve double digit revenue growth three years in a row while remaining profitable each year. Only companies with high credit standing and strong balance sheets feature prominently in the winners list.
In the year which saw an unprecedented 40% drop in the number of companies qualify- ing for the award, PRECISE delivered excellent results and found a formula for growth. It reported double digit revenue growth three years in a row.
Our DP rating, a supplementary indicator introduced by Building & Construction Author- ity of Singapore (BCA) has been improving year on year. This rating is used as a reference for financial wellbeing while evaluating tenders, and illustrates our firm’s healthier performances and financial standing as compared to other companies in the industry.
In addition, we have been recognised for our achievements as an Emerging 2010 Singapore 1000 Company and are one of the top 10 companies ranked by Return On Equity within our industries. These celebrated awards attest to our financial ability to buck the trend in the global downturn, and fuel our growth ambitions amid the financial crisis.
With these benchmark ratings to spur us on, PRECISE actively strives for continual improvement within the organisation which translates into improved efficiency, improved quality and customer satisfaction.
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